Kent Saddlery

Quality materials make our handcrafted leather products.

About Us

Kent Saddlery is the family business of Lyle and Helen Kent. It is an Australian saddlery with experience on cattle stations, and a connection to the outback and country people. We are committed to supplying quality goods and service at a price that represents genuine value for money.

The range of products we promote in the Kent Saddlery online store has continually developed since 1988 with the aim of providing a comprehensive range of good quality gear.

Most of the leather products in our store are carefully handcrafted in the Kent Saddlery workshop. We choose suppliers of materials and products carefully, with priority given to consistent quality, and reliable supply. It’s a challenge, and we do our very best to source top quality replacements when particular items are no longer available. Many of the Kent Saddlery store items are our own design, handcrafted in our workshop and are unavailable elsewhere.

Kent Saddlery includes a gallery style retail area, reminiscent of an old time saddlery store; with Kent Saddles and leather gear for sale, along with stocks of other familiar items and some interesting and novel products.


Opening Hours

Day Open Close
Monday 08:00 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 17:00
Thursday 08:00 17:00
Friday 08:00 17:00
Saturday 08:00 12:00
