Denise Berry Naturopath

Hello! I’m a naturopath, nutrigenomics nerd, ex-teacher, country music fanatic and a home-farmer (in training).

About Us

I was a high school maths teacher for 16 years before I decided to follow my passion to become a naturopath. I made the change for my own health, but also so I could help others avoid the pitfalls I suffered due to poor gut health, significant immune dysfunction and chronic stress and burnout. 

Yes, I’ve been there! And I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way.

I LOVE working with women with autoimmune disease and complex cases and getting the root cause of illness, because understanding the why behind your health condition is key to resolving it.  I am part-detective, part-researcher and part-jigsaw puzzle extraordinaire (seriously, I really do love puzzles!). These traits are what can help YOU to understand your primary drivers, why you are where you are right now, and what you can do to get your health and vitality back again.

Don’t worry, if you don’t have an autoimmune disease, I can help you too! I see women (and men and children!) from all over Australia via TeleHealth, as well as in person in clinic.

If you would like to know if I can help you, you are welcome to book a FREE 15 minute discovery call.

Are you ready to get your mojo back?

Are you sick of seeing practitioners who don’t take the time to listen to your story and treat each symptom in isolation without considering what else is going on in your body?
Or worse, who tell you there is nothing wrong with you, that your blood work is all ‘fine’ and it is all in your head?
I’m here to tell you that you know your body better than anyone. I will listen, guide you and work with you to create a unique care plan that fits in with your way of life. 
