Granite Belt Baptist Church is a conservative, independent Baptist Church located at Stanthorpe in the heart of Queensland's Granite Belt.
Granite Belt Baptist Church is an independent church, free from any form of denominational control. As Baptists, our authority is not found in man-made traditions or subjective experiences, but in the Word of God.
The distinctives that make us Baptist form the following acrostic:
Biblical Authority
Autonomy of the Local Church
Priesthood of All Believers
Two Ordinances - Baptism & Lord's Supper
Individual Soul Liberty
Separation - Personal, Ecclesiastical & Political
Two Offices - Pastor & Deacon
Saved & Baptised Church Membership
Pastor Brendon Dunn
Sunday Bible Study 9.30 am
Sunday Morning Worship 10.30 am
Sunday Afternoon Worship 3.00 pm